Don’t Pull, Don’t Push


I heard something which captured my attention today from a reel of one of the accounts I follow. The reel didn’t credit the speaker, so I dunno who it’s from.



A male voice spoke:

“If something appears in your lifetime that you like— you see something that you like or you hear something that you like… don’t pull.

If something appears that you don’t like, something that you’d normally reject— don’t push.”





A part of me says, there’s no need to remind me about that as I could never stand keeping anything I dislike anywhere near me at all, online or offline. At the same time, there’s another part of me, especially yesterday, that needed a little reminder on some of the things that I have that I do like!





Speaking of something I like, these two paintings above were from my recent art display wanderings here in Phuket. They’re painted by Aree Kongpol, a Thai artist. I specifically liked the latter as the color scheme seems to be different from the rest of the paintings. I also love the execution and how the shades of the layers turned out. His subjects interest me as well, hence I pointed what stood out for me.🙂