Kuala Lumpur: A Visit to Balai Seni Negara (National Art Gallery)



Balai Seni Negara (National Art Gallery)
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
November 2019


The National Gallery in Kuala Lumpur is an old soul revealing ancient and modern technology, traditional, and contemporary art. I got that supernatural and eerie vibe that I usually pick from museums- but this one has an intensity to it. An ongoing show was dark as hell, I couldn’t take photos of some of the works, because I knew they’re going to haunt me in the Philippines. I’m still hearing the background sound reverberating, to be honest, they’re more vivid than the visuals- if not for these photos I took.

A glimpse of the gallery’s permanent collection to an artist’s exhibit- it’s time to take a look.


Welcomed by a gigantic Mona Lisa– from the gallery’s recently concluded exhibit of Leonardo Da Vinci’s works through digital repros


Human and Technology Stop Violence, Mohd Al Khuzaire Ali, 1984



Human and Technology Stop Violence, Mohd Al Khuzaire Ali, 1984



Here’s where it got more interesting



Hippie shirt found in an installation



A mixture of past and present



from the exhibit, “At the End of the Day Even Art is not Important” depicting the artist’s views while in Bali



Not sure how I felt after a few minutes in this corner



by Ahmad Fuad Osman. Didn’t take note of the title, but I think I know why I’m sharing this piece



Doomed. I was just listening about Manila Water and every horrifying detail of corruption in the PH



Bombshell. Loved it.



There’s more, but I gotta cut this short. A unique trip that was. For sure, I’ll be back!