RED FLAG. In bold letters.


Recently, I pondered a bit on the phrase, “Red Flag.” I often dismissed it in 2022 when I was healing, so I would drive into a larger than life ‘red flag’ like a mad scientist towards a rare species more than willing to put a ring on it— but no, I would only dive into mud (literally.)


It’s true that it isn’t the person’s behavior that’s a red flag, but your reaction to it. You could call such a behavior reckless, irresponsible, thoughtless— throwing meaningless phrases around, all these adjectives, but really you always have the choice to not participate or spend your energy and time on it. This is a valuable lesson I’ve learned in my journey to providing that safe space for myself.


I’ve been tested a few times this year and I have successfully disengaged from such a dynamic— which I have attracted myself hence I sat down and worked on that aspect of me that attracts what I clearly do not want.


But for what it’s worth, if I find what I do not want, it helps me define specifically what I do want. And you have to be really crystal clear about what YOU want. ‘Act like it,’ as Brianna wrote. Always a win.❤️‍


Last year one of my themes was “healing,” although it’s a constant process. A deep process. And I have gone deeper into it with everything I have learned so far. It’s always easier said than done, indeed. I once read somebody preached ‘communication,’ in the context of not to assume what the other person is thinking (hence also communicating what you want to say + what you mean, versus ‘hoping’ the other person will decode your thoughts,) but contradicted it instantly— couldn’t even apply an inch if a word could be measured. I’m only speaking based on direct experience. It’s because we are sometimes too consumed by looking externally rather than mind what’s going on inside of us. If these are blind spots you were completely oblivious about, well, you are reading them right now.


It’s part of our human journey sometimes— the way we try to escape what’s going on within because of the choices we made, or we have which we don’t feel fulfilled or happy about, hence it kind of reflects in various messy ways. But there’s always that moment when you are pushed to be truly honest, if you can’t do it yourself, for yourself, the universe will, eventually.


Been there.





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