✨ A July Reflection ✨

“It’s important that we have shared values.”


Last night, since I wrote about not being able to respond right away to a question that surprised me and how I spoke about communication lately, I recall my unhealthy ways towards the end of my previous relationship (2021.)


✨ Mirrored Reflection, Lhean Storm, 2022 


It stemmed from my inability to express myself explicitly.

Yes, I know, I’m an artist—expressive, why is this such a challenge!? It’s the same as, you’re intelligent, why is it so hard?

I didn’t know how.

I escaped to the island, because it was difficult for me to verbalize what was brewing in my mind.

Therefore, if I had to deal with people in my personal world last year and in the early days of 2023 who behaved in this manner, I would only see myself and the things I needed to heal within.


✨ Mirrored Reflection, Lhean Storm, 2022


Healthy and mature humans are equipped for putting themselves out there with ease towards another individual that they really care about. Whether what you’re going to say is good or bad. And mastering these emotions over and over again is the first step.

I’ve learned this lesson well the ruthless way possible. Not only did I hurt the other person, I hurt myself even more.

Needless to say, I don’t want history repeating itself with another beautiful face.

It’s important that we have shared values. ✨




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