I got late for Muay Thai class yesterday morning and ended up finding Pepe at the corner as I moved on to have breakfast. Haha.
Pepe made my day.
The look seems to tell us not to take life too seriously. Also, amused. Like- what the fuck are you doing? Or why the hell would you think that!?
He accepts you for who you are, anyway. That’s how I perceive Pepe’s face.
The original aim was a good work-out, so I didn’t bring my journal. Since I couldn’t punch and kick yet, my mind was bursting with personal thoughts, so I got a notebook and pen from a 24/7 corner to write down everything. Writing has always been therapeutic for me.
And wow, what a beautiful view!
Also, food was great! Worth every penny.
The spare notebook called for spontaneous drawings. Sometimes I use them for my digital art pieces.
The day concluded with me spending time with nature at sundown. The more I spend time with nature, the more I fall in love with it.
It’s pretty much the same as loving another human being, you can only say, you love someone after spending some time with them.
🧡Until next round of art and musings.
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