Category: Philippines
Siargao: Lotus Shores
Lotus Shores, Siargao Dec 2 & 8, 2021 Snapshots I took at Lotus Shores on December 2 when I went there for yoga class and on December 8 when I took my sister for breakfast before she left Siargao to Manila. Durga Temple
It’s interesting what comes to strangers’ minds when you tell them you’re from the Philippines. It’s rarely never about the progressive side of the country, it’s oftentimes what’s blasted on the news.
Fractal Moon: Behind the Scenes
FRACTAL MOON Potipot Island, Zambales, Philippines 18 – 19 February 2017 It’s a unique Fractal Moon experience every year. Since I didn’t make it to the artist van days before (I wish I could), I joined the Party Bus with the rest of the team and guests. I haven’t…
Surfer Cat?
A kitty pleading for pizza… Photo taken from my recent surf trip. I love cats and I always get to meet one in such a friendly or creepy way…
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