Sapios in the Magical Kingdom
Lhean Storm
Digital, 2021
I seem to only be doing things lately that I have forgotten how to find the words for them. Since I couldn’t articulate it thoroughly when I was asked about this work a few days ago, I would like to write a little about it. It’s possible that I was only exhausted that day from working on my physical painting that my mind was floating I couldn’t find the perfect words to say.
Sapios is one of the characters of my art, which emerged in my works back in 2015. She is an ethereal being, a fairy or an alien, and human in one. Her existence feels that everything is pleasant and ideal.
The Magical Kingdom
In the past (year 2011) I created a series of personal works called, “The Gory Kingdom.” It expressed the darkest side of me, I was hurting that I created works with loathsome meanings. However it didn’t end there, I channeled my pain in positivity at the same time by giving life to the ‘Magical Kingdom’ with characters I envisioned to live in an ideal world.
The Magical Kingdom is a place where all ethereal beings, otherworldly, and humans coexist. Forces of all good things in the universe intertwined in magic alien to us in reality at this point. Call it an escape or a dream, but its intent is to bring hope, good thoughts and feelings whatever state you’re in.
One of the stories in my visionary cosmos.
The Magical Kingdom.
Where roses are forever red.
Petals in bloom, fresh.
As there’s no decay ahead.
Hearts beating unreservedly.
Transforming the world into
A Wonderland.
Where humans, the supernatural, and
nature are one.
Process: A journey

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