The Cat Is Greener On This Side


This artwork is inspired by a painting I was drawn to when I visited one of the art galleries in Ho Chi Minh.



I was not allowed to take photos, hence I took mental notes, though I didn’t have to, as the art indeed captivated me. The painting I saw was of a green cat in abstract and was definitely unique with an approach I haven’t seen before.



Above grid shows an idea of how I put together the layers and how I changed my mind a lot on the eyes and facial expressions. Although this work is inspired by an artwork from another artist, it is nothing similar to it except for the green cat concept.


The thought behind “The Cat is Greener on this Side” captures both literal and what it truly means to me. Which is— I feel prosperous where there is freedom and the capacity to be wherever I want to be. To do whatever I want to do.


It is completely opposite of the attitude of trying to control every situation so your neighbor, your friend, or whoever you allow to control you, won’t find out as they might disapprove of it. Or allowing society’s limited ways of thinking to rule your decisions— your life. In reality, they have their own things to worry about and will never have any means to live your life for you, so you will become the happiest, because— surprise, surprise! It is YOUR life.




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